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1. Promo video

Please watch this video which gives background to the diversity journey, specifically from past sermon series and feedback from those who attended previous conversation. Watch the video on the right 

2. Frequently Asked Questions

Read these frequently asked questions concerning the diversity conversations. Here, the document refers specifically to our Youth & Diversity event but answers for other Diversity Conversations.

3. ​Diversity Sermon Series 

Preached at all three services.


Dr Christena Cleveland: “Loving well across cultures”

Watch this video of Dr Cleveland whose faith in Jesus and knowledge as social psychologist has equipped her to support churches who want to pursue greater diversity. This sermon has some really helpful and practical pointers to prepare our hearts and minds.

Craig Stewart: "Maintaining the Disequilibrium"


If you are feeling a little overwhelmed or disorientated by all you heard [Diversity Sermons, previous conversation events], then may we invite you to listen to this short 15 minute talk on “Maintaining the Disequilibrium” by Craig Stewart (Justice Conference 2017). Alternatively, find attached under the READ section the transcription to read.
This is super helpful in giving us some pointers on how we process these big and complex issues.

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